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Christmas 1999  

Date: December, 1999

This was Kaylee's first Christmas... and was also the Christmas that we got engaged.

Here she is at sixteen weeks.  She had just gotten her Christmas bath and is covered up in her blankie chewing on some toys. 
Wow, a Christmas ornament made out of wool.  I wonder what wool tastes like?
Uh oh.  Here she is with Doug's stocking in her mouth.  She looked so cute that we had to get a picture of her before telling her that it's bad.

We used this picture for our Christmas cards the next year.

Doug and Kaylee on Christmas morning... looks like both are still a little tired.
Karen and Kaylee on Christmas morning.  
Here we are on New Years Eve, 1999.  We got engaged just as the clock struck midnight in Newfoundland. 

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